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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Bring on 2011!!

Ok, so first I want to apologize! I have not been as loyal to my readers as I should have been this past month. I recently moved and was out of commission for a while, but I'M BACK! So now I'm ready to share my news! How many of you have seen Julia and Julie? I saw this film last month and was so inspired. Not only did I want to go cook for the rest of the night, but I thought, "I should be better to my blog readers, I'm not using my blog to it's fullest capacity." So as I've been marinating on these thoughts and feelings over the past month, it finally hit me! Starting January 1st, 2011, Brianna is going to make one change a day. 365 Days of Sustainable Living! This idea clicked in while cleaning and moving into our new home. There is SOOOO much to know as a new home owner, but even more to know as a Sustainable home owner! I thought, well I'm sure other people have the same questions I do, so the 365 days will include tips and ideas from how to green clean to what appliances you should buy. I can't tell you how excited I am! Now, why am I tell you this now? I want all my readers to pass the word along. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, everyone to become fans of my blog so that they can come on this journey with us! I'm telling you, by 2012 we'll be living greener, simpler, cheaper, healthier lives! Come join me!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sustainable Thanksgiving!

This month I want to focus on the ways we can make our Thanksgivings more sustainable! The Holiday season is our most wasteful time of the year, so let's brainstorm some ways to cut down on our waste! Here are some of my ideas:
- Have a Sustainable Turkey!- buy a local, organic, free-range turkey
- Make your own decorations
- Buy products with little to no packaging
- Buy local, organic produce
- Buy compostable, biodegradable paper products
- Make a turkey alternative
Friday, November 5, 2010

Ok, so I've decided to share the big news with my loyal readers first!! It's official, my website is up and running (well for the most part!) Tyler Siefken (of Siefken Design) has done an amazing job and I'm excited to share it with you guys. I'm making the official anoucement in my upcoming newsletter, but thought you guys deserved the first look! The products page is still being worked on, I'm adding a feature that will allow you to download pdf versions of my recipes (SOOO excited about this!) Other than that, it's ready to go. Remember though, if you are local (to Portland that is) e-mail me directly about ordering products, that way you can avoid paying shipping! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback!! Make sure and post them on here!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Recycling Within Your Home!
So as most of you know we are buying a house!! It's very exciting and we can't wait to move in! As this is recycling month, and I'm trying to do this house process as green as possible, I need some help from you! What are some ways that you BUY recycled household products? For example, we need some good furniture, where are some good 2nd hand places to buy furniture? Also, where do people buy used household products? Are there quick simple ways for me to recycle things I already have into useful items for our new home?? I would love some feedback on how to use recycled items in my new home!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Recycling Month!!

This month I want to focus on recycling! This month's newsletter talked about what can go in your curbside recycling, but what do you do with everything else? The paint, oil, bed frames, dry cleaning plastic bags, plastic grocery bags, etc. Below are some great resources to help you recycle those odds and ends. E-mail me, comment on here or on Facebook about your recycling questions or needs. Or share your great ideas of how, when and where you recycle!
- www.earth911.org- You can search for what recycling sites are available in your area and what they accept.
- www.metro.org- (this is for the Portlanders sorry) Metro services the greater Portland area. They set up drop off sites in different locations, where they will literally come and take the old paint and oil (or whatever you're recycling) out of your car and recycle it for you, for FREE! They also have resources listed on their website for specific places to recycle, and ways to reduce your waste.
- Most cities will list on their websites places where you can recycle certain items (and most of the time they are free.) For example: www.Portlandonline.com will tell me what curbside services recycle, where I can recycle my paints and oil, etc.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Matt's Local, In-Season Birthday Dinner!
First Course:
Butternut Squash Soup
Pear and Spinach Salad (adapted from a recipe in Oct. 2010 Vegetarian Times)
Super easy and yummy!
- 1 Bosc Pear
- 3 T. Fig Jam
- 2 oz. Brie
- 1/8 c. red onion
- 1 t. Lemon juice
- 3 c. Spinach
- 1/8 c. Chopped pecans
Cut pear in half and scoop out core, replace with fig jam. Bake the pears face up at 375 for 10 mins, then add brie cheese and bake until cheese is melted and browning. Divide the spinach on two plates, sprinkle red onion and pecans on spinach. Add the pear and drizzle dressing on top of it all (1 T. fig jam + 1 T. Olive oil + 1 t. lemon juice, whisk together.)
Third Course:
Spinach Tortolini
Quick easy dish using red onion, spinach, olive oil, garlic and some parmesan cheese!
Forth Course:
Matt's Amazing Grilled Corn
Enough said.
Fifth Course:
NY Cheesecake & NY Blackberry Cheesecake
Brianna's Homemade cheesecake NOT!!! I cheated and got these from Papa Haydns! But it was local, and supported a local business!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Eduation Reform is apart of Sustainable Living!
Ok, I have a confession to make, I love Oprah! I don't know how many of you saw her shows on September 2oth and 26th, "Waiting for Superman" and "Waiting for Superman: The Reaction" but I personally was moved and motivated! Oprah took two shows to inspire and educate the American public on issues within our education system. The shows focused on "Waiting for Superman," a new documentary coming out about America's education system. Our education system is failing, and this documentary poses the question, who is going to rush in and save it? These two shows sparked two main thoughts for me that I wanted to share with you and then invite you to join me in getting involved!
First thought: Everyone, young, old, parents, educators, politicians, community members, businesses, grandparents, EVERYONE needs to be involved in helping reform our education system. This is not a matter of politics, it's a matter of helping our future generations be successful and self-sustaining. I was sitting there on the couch thinking, "YES YES YES, there's a problem, but what can I do?" Well, what I can do is share my thoughts with you and then invite you to help me brainstorm what we can do to make a difference. Three quick ways to get invovled: 1. go to www.oprah.com/education and find a meeting your area, to brainstorm with other interested people; 2. Go to "Waiting for Superman" and see what all the fuss is about (www.waitingforsuperman.com;) and 3. Find local politicians/educators who are working with schools and ask them how you can get involved.
Second thought: This is sustainability people! It's not just about being "green!" Sustainability is about leaving the earth a better place for our future generations, it's about building systems that are self-sustaining. Educating our future generations is sustainable living. If our children grow up illiterate and unable to perform simple math and science, what will happen to us? to our earth? So remember education in our country, is a matter of sustainability and educating our future generation is creating a sustainable lifestyle.
Final thought: PLEASE share with me your thoughts on this issue! Suggest ways for us to get involved! How does someone like me, who does not have children, get involved and help fix our education system? What local politicians should I be writing to? Let's all help each other get involved!
First thought: Everyone, young, old, parents, educators, politicians, community members, businesses, grandparents, EVERYONE needs to be involved in helping reform our education system. This is not a matter of politics, it's a matter of helping our future generations be successful and self-sustaining. I was sitting there on the couch thinking, "YES YES YES, there's a problem, but what can I do?" Well, what I can do is share my thoughts with you and then invite you to help me brainstorm what we can do to make a difference. Three quick ways to get invovled: 1. go to www.oprah.com/education and find a meeting your area, to brainstorm with other interested people; 2. Go to "Waiting for Superman" and see what all the fuss is about (www.waitingforsuperman.com;) and 3. Find local politicians/educators who are working with schools and ask them how you can get involved.
Second thought: This is sustainability people! It's not just about being "green!" Sustainability is about leaving the earth a better place for our future generations, it's about building systems that are self-sustaining. Educating our future generations is sustainable living. If our children grow up illiterate and unable to perform simple math and science, what will happen to us? to our earth? So remember education in our country, is a matter of sustainability and educating our future generation is creating a sustainable lifestyle.
Final thought: PLEASE share with me your thoughts on this issue! Suggest ways for us to get involved! How does someone like me, who does not have children, get involved and help fix our education system? What local politicians should I be writing to? Let's all help each other get involved!
Monday, September 20, 2010

Doesn't it feel more and more like fall? I obviously have mixed emotions since I hate to see summer go, but I love fall, it's my favorite season! I love the smells, the colors, the change of weather (it's not too cold yet!) One of the things I love about fall is the change of what's in season... Here's a short list of what's in season. Take a day and just got pick some apples or pears this season, so many things you can do with them! (you can find u-pick farms in your area at www.simplesteps.org) Enjoy this fall!
- Apples
- Pears
- Beets
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cantaloupes
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Potatoes
- Pumpkins
- Raspberries
- Squash
- Tomatoes
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation (THPRD) Classes!!!
Hi Everyone,
There has been so many changes and exciting updates lately! One of those exciting changes is that I will now be teaching my classes through Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation (THPRD) here in Portland! They have a fantastic facility that fits my class perfectly and an amazing staff to help make the classes more convenient for you! Registering for the class is even easier now. Just go to www.thprd.org and search for my class, "Putting Mr. Clean to Shame." Register for the date and time that works best for you. Registration has started, so make sure and get signed up before the class fills up! Here's a couple tips if you're new to THPRD:
There has been so many changes and exciting updates lately! One of those exciting changes is that I will now be teaching my classes through Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation (THPRD) here in Portland! They have a fantastic facility that fits my class perfectly and an amazing staff to help make the classes more convenient for you! Registering for the class is even easier now. Just go to www.thprd.org and search for my class, "Putting Mr. Clean to Shame." Register for the date and time that works best for you. Registration has started, so make sure and get signed up before the class fills up! Here's a couple tips if you're new to THPRD:
- Registration Fees: The registration fee depends on whether you are "in-district" or "out of district." When you click on register, you can search for your address and it will tell you whether you are in district of out of district. If you are out, the class will cost a little more, but it's worth it:) If you get stuck or have any questions, give the staff at THPRD a call, they are so helpful (503) 629-6341.
- Misc. Fee: The "misc fee" listed is the fee for the cleaner you are making and taking home with you.
- REGISTRATION TIME: Starting this term THPRD has instituted a new policy on class sizes. If the class does not reach a certain number, by a certain date, the class will be canceled. The number set is not a high number, and it can easily be reached, I just need all of you to register as soon as possible! I tell you this because, if you're like me, you either forget, or just want to wait until the last minute to register. You cannot do this with THPRD. They need to know ahead of time so they can plan accordingly. So people, please register the minute you know you can attend the class! This allows you and the other people who have registered to actually take the class without it being canceled. Thank you!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Do you know a Sustainable Sally or Sustainable Stan???
Ok, so I'm going to put a spotlight section in my monthly newsletter! I thought it would be a good way for us to get to know each other and learn about what ideas and projects are going on out there! I would love to spotlight you or someone you know! I can also spotlight companies or groups that are helping others become more sustainable! I can't wait to hear what you all are up to and involved in! It can be anything from recycling to saving the whales! The person being spotlighted each month will also win one of my products! E-mail me at BriSustainable@gmail.com.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Brianna's Recipe Box!
Hi Friends! So I know that I’ve already mentioned that I now have my recipes for sale, but I wanted to let you the FULL list of what’s in my box! I am going to be offering a health class in the late summer, so some of those recipes are also included! Again, if there is a recipe that you’re looking for that you can’t find let me know and I’ll find it for you!
Each recipe is $2. However, you can buy them in groups of 5 for a discount, 5 for $8 and 10 for $16, or you can order a recipe box for $25. The recipe box is cute little recipe box with 25 recipes inside. When you order the recipes make sure and specify which recipes you want in the “special instructions” box through paypal. Here’s a list for you!
• Soaps/Detergents
o Laundry Detergent
o Dishwasher Detergent
o Dish Soap
• Household Cleaners
o Window Cleaner
o Glass/Mirror Cleaner
o Hardwood Floor Cleaner
o Tile & Vinyl Cleaner
o Heavy-Duty Cleaner
o All-Purpose Cleaner
o Drain Cleaner
o Refrigerator Cleaner
o Oven Cleaner
o Scouring Paste
o Mildew/Mold Removers
• Skincare
o Make Up Remover
o Rose Pedal Lotion
o Blueberry Facemask
• Home Remedies
o How to settle your stomach
o How to regulate your system
• Brianna’s Home Cooking
o Granola
o Banana muffins
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tualatin Library Mini-class May 11th
I am teaching a mini-"Putting Mr. Clean to Shame!" at the Tualatin Library May 11th and it's FREE! If you live in the area, or know people that do, pass the word along! We will NOT be making the cleaners like we do in my normal classes, but there will still be great info passed on! Hope to see you all May 11th! You don't need to register, just show up!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Products Now Available!
Hi friends!
So here they are, what you've all been waiting for! Brianna's 5 Essentials Basket, Brianna's Gift Basket and Brianna's Green Recipes! You can order all of these things through this blog, just click on the paypal link of the item you want to purchase. Here's a brief description and picture of each item! Happy shopping!

Here is Brianna's 5 Essential's Basket! It has the 5 ingredients that I feel every home should have in order to green clean, in a convenient carrying caddy. Each ingredient is labeled with what they can be used for and includes newspaper, which can be used to clean your glass and mirrors. This basket also includes two of my recipes, one of which you may choose. This is all you will need to have a non-toxic home!

Next is my gift basket. This includes everything from above with the addition of my glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaner. This is a perfect gift for a baby shower, bridal shower, Mother's Day, or a birthday.

Finally, my recipes box is now open to you! I am going to be offering my recipes for $2 a recipe, unless you get them in a package. When you order these, list which recipes you want in the special instructions box found though the paypal link. Here are just a few of the recipes I'm offering: all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, glass cleaner, drain cleaner, fridge cleaner, hardwood floors cleaner, oven cleaner, scouring paste, dishwasher soap, and laundry soap. If you don't see what you're looking for, e-mail me, I'll find you a recipe for whatever you need!
I'm so excited about all these products! Remember that they are all non-toxic, safe for the environment and safe to use around children! Please let me know if you have any questions! Again if you don't see what you need let me know, I'm happy to cater these baskets and recipes to YOUR needs!
So here they are, what you've all been waiting for! Brianna's 5 Essentials Basket, Brianna's Gift Basket and Brianna's Green Recipes! You can order all of these things through this blog, just click on the paypal link of the item you want to purchase. Here's a brief description and picture of each item! Happy shopping!
Here is Brianna's 5 Essential's Basket! It has the 5 ingredients that I feel every home should have in order to green clean, in a convenient carrying caddy. Each ingredient is labeled with what they can be used for and includes newspaper, which can be used to clean your glass and mirrors. This basket also includes two of my recipes, one of which you may choose. This is all you will need to have a non-toxic home!
Next is my gift basket. This includes everything from above with the addition of my glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaner. This is a perfect gift for a baby shower, bridal shower, Mother's Day, or a birthday.
Finally, my recipes box is now open to you! I am going to be offering my recipes for $2 a recipe, unless you get them in a package. When you order these, list which recipes you want in the special instructions box found though the paypal link. Here are just a few of the recipes I'm offering: all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, glass cleaner, drain cleaner, fridge cleaner, hardwood floors cleaner, oven cleaner, scouring paste, dishwasher soap, and laundry soap. If you don't see what you're looking for, e-mail me, I'll find you a recipe for whatever you need!
I'm so excited about all these products! Remember that they are all non-toxic, safe for the environment and safe to use around children! Please let me know if you have any questions! Again if you don't see what you need let me know, I'm happy to cater these baskets and recipes to YOUR needs!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
First Putting Mr. Clean to Shame Class!!
It was a success! Thanks to all of my wonderful friends who took my first Putting Mr. Clean to Shame, Non-toxic Cleaners Class!! I learned a lot and I think my friends took away some good info! My next class is May 15th in Beaverton. Sign up fast, only 2 more spots open! (e-mail me at brisustainable@gmail.com to sign up!) It's so awesome to see my vision starting to unfold, thanks friends for making it happen!
Monday, April 5, 2010
New Learn How to Put Mr. Clean to Shame Class Now Open!!!
Since the first class filled up in 2 days, you might want to HURRY and register for this one! It will be held Saturday, May 15th from 2:00pm-3:00pm at the Phoenix Inn in Beaverton, OR. The class will be $18 which includes the cleaner you leave with! To register, e-mail me at brisustainable@gmail.com. Here's a class description:
"It’s here, a class where you can learn to save the earth while saving your paycheck! In this class you will learn how to use everyday, inexpensive, non-toxic ingredients to clean your home! I will teach you how to become a savvy label reader, allowing you to decode the ingredients in your current cleaners and the ones you see at the store. You will leave the class knowing how to use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, castile soap and a few other ingredients to clean everything in your house from your toilet to your patio furniture. Finally, you’ll learn hands on how to make your own cleaners at home. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to save money, protect your health and save the earth all at the same time!"
"It’s here, a class where you can learn to save the earth while saving your paycheck! In this class you will learn how to use everyday, inexpensive, non-toxic ingredients to clean your home! I will teach you how to become a savvy label reader, allowing you to decode the ingredients in your current cleaners and the ones you see at the store. You will leave the class knowing how to use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, castile soap and a few other ingredients to clean everything in your house from your toilet to your patio furniture. Finally, you’ll learn hands on how to make your own cleaners at home. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to save money, protect your health and save the earth all at the same time!"
Friday, April 2, 2010
Green Tip of the Month Newsletter!!!
WOW! Well the first Learn how to put Mr. Clean to shame class filled up in 2 days! Thank you all for your interest and support! The second class is in the works as we speak and I’ll have the date and location for you soon.
I am starting a Green Tip of the Month Newsletter, which will give you quick, helpful tips on how to make your life more sustainable. E-mail me at brisustainable@gmail.com to sign up for the newsletter!
I am starting a Green Tip of the Month Newsletter, which will give you quick, helpful tips on how to make your life more sustainable. E-mail me at brisustainable@gmail.com to sign up for the newsletter!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Welcome!! Thank you for joining me on my new venture! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am! I am about to create a new movement that will not only make our world a better place to live for you and future generations, but also to help your pocketbook.
My goal is three-fold; products, classes and consulting. The products will be available to you for affordable prices. They range from cleaners to skincare products, and they will all be made by me, with organic, natural, non-toxic ingredients. I want the products to be what you want and need in your life, that you don’t have time to make yourself. Let me do the work for you!
The classes are where it’s at! I want to offer classes that are sustainable all the way around. You come to the class to learn lifestyle changes that you then can easily apply to your life. For example, my first class, starting on April 22 (Earth Day), will be a Cleaners Class. In this class we will discuss the ingredients in your current cleaners and their effects on you and your environment, we will also discuss sustainable, non-toxic ways to clean your house and make a cleaner for you to take home with you. You will leave the class with knowledge about your current cleaner, other commercial cleaners and how to make your own at home. The idea is that you leave the class self-sustaining. When you’ve mastered that change in your life come on back and take another class learning something new, like how to compost or how to make candles!
The consulting is still in the works and information on that will follow. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! If you want to sign up for my first class you can register at brisustainable@gmail.com, the class will be $10, which includes the supplies for the cleaner you will take home! Can’t wait to go on this adventure with you!
My goal is three-fold; products, classes and consulting. The products will be available to you for affordable prices. They range from cleaners to skincare products, and they will all be made by me, with organic, natural, non-toxic ingredients. I want the products to be what you want and need in your life, that you don’t have time to make yourself. Let me do the work for you!
The classes are where it’s at! I want to offer classes that are sustainable all the way around. You come to the class to learn lifestyle changes that you then can easily apply to your life. For example, my first class, starting on April 22 (Earth Day), will be a Cleaners Class. In this class we will discuss the ingredients in your current cleaners and their effects on you and your environment, we will also discuss sustainable, non-toxic ways to clean your house and make a cleaner for you to take home with you. You will leave the class with knowledge about your current cleaner, other commercial cleaners and how to make your own at home. The idea is that you leave the class self-sustaining. When you’ve mastered that change in your life come on back and take another class learning something new, like how to compost or how to make candles!
The consulting is still in the works and information on that will follow. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! If you want to sign up for my first class you can register at brisustainable@gmail.com, the class will be $10, which includes the supplies for the cleaner you will take home! Can’t wait to go on this adventure with you!
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